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The trading expert

Walid Salaheldin Mohamed

The trading expert

Walid Salaheldin Mohamed

20 years of experience

Walid is well-known amongst Arab Forex and CFD investors, with over 50 TV interviews and analyses for top financial websites since 2002. He focuses on market sentiment and its impact on currencies, commodities, stocks, and bond markets.

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The information provided in this page is provided in order to present to you certain trading strategies and the use of tools available on our platform, and should not be seen as or construed as being a recommendation to trade in any financial instrument offered by iFOREX. Trading conditions may differ between those presented and those offered to you by iFOREX. The information, explanations and comments shown herein are provided by independent third-party traders who agreed to share their real trades but who are not investment advisors. Should you have any questions on whether trades shown are suitable for you, you should seek independent advice. iFOREX does not guarantee the performance or results of any financial instrument and/or trading strategies, and cannot guarantee that transactions opened on the basis of the presented trades will achieve profits or losses similar to those presented in this page. Clients should take into account that the time lapsed from the opening of the transaction by the expert may have a substantial impact on the price of the underlying asset and the decision whether to open such trade. Clients are advised that any indication of past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.